Tuesday, January 21, 2020


5.3- Perancangan Perniagaan

a) Rancangan Perniagaan
  • dokumen yang menerangkan secara terperinci berkenaan selok belok sesebuah perniagaan termasuk pelan awal, keperluan modal, rancangan pemasaran, jualan dan unjuran keuntungan.
Tujuan Menyediakan Rancangan Perniagaan
  • Menyakinkan pihak tertentu seperti Bank bagi memperoleh sumber pembiayaan kewangan.
  • Melihat dan menilai perniagaan
  • Mengkaji dan menilai potensi
  • Mengagihkan sumber dengan lebih baik
  • Menjadi garis panduan untuk menguruskan perniagaan
b) Struktur Rancangan Perniagaan
  1. Ringkasan Eksekutif
  2. Objektif Rancangan Perniagaan 
  3. Latar Belakang Perniagaan
  4. Latar Belakang Pemilikan 
  5. Latar Belakang Cadangan Projek
  6. Rancangan Organisasi
  7. Rancangan Pemasaran
  8. Rancangan Operasi atau Pengeluaran
  9. Rancangan Kewangan Rumusan 
  10. Dokumen Sokongan
c) Pemasaran
  • aktiviti perniagaan yang dilakukan untuk menyalurkan barang-barang atau perkhidmatan daripada pengeluar kepada pengguna akhir

i) Produk

  • Barang berbentuk fizikal dan bukan fizikal (perkhidmatan).
Ciri-ciri produk yang baik
  • Kualiti
  • Jenama
  • Pembungkusan dan pelabelan 
  • Jaminan dan Khidmat sampingan
ii) Harga
  • Kos kepada pembeli untuk memiliki barangan atau perkhidmatan.
Faktor yang Perlu Diambil Kira untuk Menetapkan Harga
  • Pemintaan Pengguna
  • Kos 
  • Persaingan
iii) Promosi
  • Usaha yang dijalankan oleh pihak penjual untuk mewujudkan, melariskan dan mengekalkan pasaran bgi sesuatu keluaran.
Matlamat Promosi
  • Memaklumkan kepada pelanggan tentang produk baharu di pasaran
  • Memujuk pelanggan untuk membeli produk tersebut
  • Meningkatkan penggunaan produk yang telah lama berada di pasaran
  • Meningkatkan dan meluaskan jualan di pasaran
  • Mengekalkan imej produk di pasaran
  • Mengatasi pesaing-pesaing yang menjual barangan yang sama.
Contoh Promosi
  • Pengiklanan
  • Promosi Jualan
  • Publisiti
  • Jualan Langsung
iv) Tempat
  • Pemilihan tempat yang sesuai untuk memasarkan produk dan perkhidmatan penting kerana kejayaan atau kegagalan sesebuah perniagaan itu amat bergantung kepada faktor ini.
Faktor Pemilihan Tempat
  • Jenis Perniagaan
  • Modal
  • Undang-undang dan Peraturan
  • Persaingan
  • Jenis Pelanggan
  • Kemudahan Infrastruktur
d) Saluran Pemasaran
  • Cara atau proses barang diedarkan daripada pengeluar kepada pengguna pada masa, tempat dan harga yang bersesuaian.
Jenis-jenis Saluran Pemasaran.
  1. Pengeluar > Pemborong > Peruncit > Pengguna
  2. Pengeluar > Ejen > Peruncit > Pengguna
  3. Pengeluar > Pemborong > Pengguna
  4. Pengeluar > Peruncit > Pengguna
  5. Pengeluar > Ejen > Pengguna
  6. Pengeluar > Pengguna

Monday, January 20, 2020


5.2 - Prosedur Memulakan Perniagaan

a) Milikan Perniagaan

b) Cara Memulakan Perniagaan

  1. Memulakan Pernniagaan Baharu
  2. Mengambil Alih Perniagaan
  3. Menjalankan Perniagaan Francais
c) Prosedur Memulakan Perniagaan

1. Membuat perancangan
2. Mendaftarkan perniagaan
  • Mengisi Borang A
  • Mendapatkan kelulusan nama perniagaan
  • Menghantar borang bersama-sama dengan bayaran pendaftaran kepada Pendaftar Perniagaan
  • Pengeluaran Sijil Perakuan Pendaftaran Perniagaan (Borang D)
3. Memohon lesen perniagaan
4. Mendapatkan modal perniagaan
  • Simpanan sendiri
  • Pinjaman
  • Sumbangan rakan kongsi
  • Belian kredit
d) Pertimbangan Sebelum Memulakan Perniagaan
  1. Mengenal Pasti Keperluan dan Kehendak Pelanggan
  2. Menjalankan Perniagaan Francais
  3. Menilai Peluang Perniagaan
  4. Merangka Rancangan Perniagaan



5.1- Pengenalan Perniagaan dan Keusahawanan

a) Peniaga, Perniagaan, Usahawan dan Keusahawanan.

1. Peniaga
  • seseorang yang melakukan kegiatan membeli dan menjual barang atau perkhidmatan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan.

2. Perniagaan
  • aktiviti membeli dan menjual barang dan perkhidmatan dengan tujuan memperoleh keuntungan.
3. Usahawan
  • individu yang melakukan kegiatan membeli, menghasilkan barang baharu atau membuat pengubahsuaian dan memasarkannya untuk mendapatkan keuntungan.
4. Keusahawanan
  • kemampuan, kebolehan dan kecenderungan seseorang meneroka peluang perniagaan, mengusahakan perniagaan, membuat pembaharuan atau pengubahsuaian demi memenuhi keperluan dan kehendak masyarakat.
  • aktiviti keusahawanan dalam memenuhi keperluan dan kehendak manusia, mengusahakan dan mengembangkan perniagaan, melakukan perubahan dan pembaharuan bagi menigkatkan pengeluaran serta menjayakan perniagaan untuk kepentigan diri sendiri, masyarakat dan negara.

b) Perbandingan Ciri antara Peniaga dengan Usahawan.

Perbandingan ciri antara peniaga dengan usahawan

Perbandingan kelebihan antara peniaga dengan usahawan

c) Ciri-ciri Usahawan Abad ke-21
  • Sentiasa Peka dan Bijak Mengambil Peluang
  • Bermaklumat
  • Kreatif dan Inovatif
  • Optimistik
  • Proaktif
d) Peranan Usahawan
  1. Mewujudkan peluang perniagaan dan pekerjaan
  2. Memenuhi kehendak dan keperluan komuniti
  3. Mengkaji dan menguji penemuan dan ciptaan baharu
  4. Menyumbang kepada pembangunan ekonomi
  5. Meningkatkan taraf hidup
e) Peranan Agensi dalam Membantu Usahawan

Wednesday, January 08, 2020


4.5- Label Makanan

a) Label Makanan
  • Label membantu pengguna membuat pilihan makanan yang bijak.
  • Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia telah menguatkuasakan undang-undang bagi label makanan sama ada makanan dalam tin, plastik, kotak dan sebagainya.
b) Kepentingan Label Makanan
  1. Memudahkan pemantauan daripada pihak berkuasa
  2. Membuat pilihan yang bijak
  3. Menyokong aktiviti pendidikan makanan
  4. Menyediakan sajian bermutu dan seimbang
  5. Mengutamakan kandungan zat makanan dalam produk
  1. Memilih makanan yang sihat dan menyeluruh
  2. Menilai makanan
  3. Menjamin kualiti produk
Maklumat yang tedapat pada label makanan bergantung pada perkara:
  • Benar dan tepat
  • Boleh diterima kerana maklumat mestilah mempunyai kesahihan dan kredibiliti
  • Boleh difahami melalui penyampaian maklumat yang tidak mengelirukan pengguna
  • Nyata dan jelas
c) Maklumat Pada Label Makanan
  1. Nama produk
  2. Bahasa yang digunakan ialah bahasa malaysia ataupun bahasa inggeris
  3. Gambar yang menjadi ramuan sahaja yang boleh disertakan pada label
  4. Senarai ramuan yang digunakan perlu dinyatakan denga jelas dan disusun mengikut susunan berat menurun
  5. Penyertaan bahan aditif yang digunakan mestilah dinyatakan
  6. Berat bersih / isi padu / bilangan minimum isi bungkusan
  7. Nama dan alamat pengilang / pengimport / negara asal perlu dinyatakan dengan jelas pada label
  8. Penandaan tarikh luput
  9. Penyataan cadangan hidangan
  10. Maklumat pemakanan dinyatakan mengikut jadual komposisi makanan yang dikeluarkan oleh Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia
  11. Logo 'HALAL' yang dikeluarkan oleh pihak berkuasa seperti jakim mestilah dalam tempoh sah laku
  12. Penyataan / akuan yang mengelirukan pengguna tidak dibenarkan pada label makanan
  13. Makanan yang mengandungi bakteria Bifido perlu mempunyai maklumat seperti bilangan bakteria hidup


4.6 - Perancangan Menu

a) Menu
  • Senarai makanan yang dihidangkan untuk sesuatu sajian.
  • Perancangan menu hendaklah berpandukan Piramid Makanan.
Tujuan Merancang Menu
  • Menjimatkan masa dan tenaga
  • Memastikan makanan yang disediakan adalah seimbang
  • Memastikan perbelanjaan untuk menu yang dirancang tidak melebih anggaran perbelanjaan
  • Memastikan sajian yang dirancang adalah menyelerakan, menarik dan pelbagai dari segi warna, rasa, tekstur dan kaedah memasak
b) Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Perancangan Menu
  • Tujuan Sajian
  • Keperluan
  • Kegemaran
  • Keseimbangan Sajian 
  • Sumber 
  • Bilangan Tetamu
c) Menu Harian Seimbang Keluarga

d) Perancangan Kerja
  1. Pilihan Menu
  2. Senarai Beli-Belah dan Pengekosan
  3. Senarai Alatan
  4. Pilihan Aktiviti
  5. Susunan Kerja


4.4- Peruntukan Diet Harian yang Disarankan dan Indeks Jisim Badan.

a)Peruntukan Diet Harian yang Disarankan

Kegunaan Peruntukan Diet Harian yang Disarankan
  • Merancang menu harian
  • Membuat label makanan
  • Garis panduan menggubal polisi makanan
  • Menilai kuantiti makanan berhubung dengan kesihatan
b) Nilai Tenaga dalam Makanan
  • Karbohidrat: 17 Kj
  • Protein: 17 Kj
  • Lemak: 38 Kj
c) Indeks Jisim Badan

d) Pengiraan Indeks Jisim Badan

BMI:            berat(kg)          
           tinggi(m) x tinggi (m) 

e) Cara Mengatasi Berat Badan Berlebihan
  1. Mengambil sarapan
  2. Makan secara teratur
  3. Amalkan senaman
  4. Minum air secukupnya
  5. Banyakkan Pengambilan Makanan Berserat


4.2- Sistem Pencernaan dan Penyerapan Makanan

a) Pencernaan, Penyerapan dan Enzim

i. Sistem Pencernaan
  • Proses menguraikan molekul makanan yang kompleks kepada molekul yang lebih ringkas agar dapat diserap oleh tubuh badan.
  • Sistem pencernaan terbahagi kepada 2: Proses Mekanikal dan Proses Kimia
ii. Sistem Penyerapan
  • Proses serapan unit ringkas nutrien melalui vilus ke dalam aliran darah dan sistem limfa untuk dihantar ke sel tubuh.
iii. Enzim
  • Pemangkin organik yang mengawal atau mempercepat tindak balas kimia dalam organisma hidup.
b) Peranan Enzim dalam Sistem Pencernaan

c) Organ-organ Utama dalam Proses Pencernaan

d) Proses Tindak Balas Enzim dalam Sistem Pencernaan

e) Proses Penyerapan

f) Kepentingan Sistem Pencernaan yang Sihat
  1. Kita perlu mengambil makanan yang kaya dengan serat seperti sayuran, buah-buahan, bijian asas dan bijirin.
  2. Kita perlu mengurangkan pengambilan makanan yang diproses.
  3. Kita perlu mengurangkan pengambilan minuman berkarbonat.
  4. Kita perlu minum air sekurang-kurangnya 2.5 liter sehari.
  5. Tekanan atau stres memberikan kesan kepada sistem pencernaan dan boleh mengganggu keseimbangan pencernaan.


4.3 - Diet Seimbang

a) Diet dan Diet Seimbang

  • Pengambilan makanan oleh individu untuk meningkatkan dan memelihara kesihatan tubuh badan
Diet Seimbang
  • Pengambilan makanan yang mengandungi semua nutrien seperti protein, karbohidrat, lemak, garam mineral, vitamin, air dan pelawas dalam kuantiti yang diperlukan.
b) Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pengambilan Diet

1. Keperluan Fisiologi.

  • Umur
  • Jantina
  • Saiz badan
  • Aktiviti harian
  • Tahap kesihatan
2. Pendidikan
3. Geografi
4. Pendapatan keluarga
5. Budaya
6. Agama
7. Keperluan sosial
8. Kemajuan teknologi

c) Piramid makanan

d) Kepentingan Pengambilan Diet Seimbang
  • Memastikan Tumbesaran Seimbang
  • Mencegah Masalah Kekurangan Nutrien
  • Mengekalkan Berat Badan yang Normal
  • Mengurangkan Risiko Penyakit Berkaitan Pemakanan
  • Memastikan Perkembangan Mental yang Sihat
Tip Diet Seimbang
  • Makan nasi dan produk bijiran secukupnya.
  • Makan ikan, daging, ayam, telur dan kekacang secara sederhana.
  • Kurangkan pengambilan minyak tepu dan kolesterol.
  • Makan banyak buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran setiap hari.
  • Ambil susu dan produk tenusu secukupnya.
  • Kurangkan pengambilan garam, gula dan sos



4.1- Keperluan Makanan, Nutrien dan Fungsinya.

a) Makanan, Pemakanan, Nutrien dan Pelawas.

i. Makanan
  • Bahan yang boleh dimakan sama ada dalam bentuk pepejal ataupun cecair.
ii. Pemakanan
  • Kajian saintifik terhadap pengambilan makanan dan fungsinya kepada tubuh badan manusia.
iii. Nutrien.
  • Komposisi kimia dalam makanan.
  • Terdapat 5 kumpulan nutrien iaitu protein, karbohidrat, lemak, vitamin dan garam mineral
iv. Pelawas
  • Merupakan makanan yang kaya dengan bahan yang tidak dapat dicerna, terutamanya selulosa.
b) Kepentingan Pengambilan Makanan, Air dan Pelawas.

Jenis Kumpulan Makanan
  1. Makanan Pembina Tubuh
  2. Makanan Pemberi Tenaga
  3. Makanan Pelindung dan Pengawal Penyakit
Fungsi Air
  1. Mengawal suhu badan manusia
  2. Menjadi pelincir dalam membran sendi, salur pernafasan dan salur pencernaan
  3. Membanttu proses pencernaan, perkumuhan, pernafasan dan peredaran darah
c) Klasifikasi Nutrien

Monday, January 06, 2020


AncientVery old, exited for thousands of years
BustlingCrowded and busy
CharmingVery pleasing
ContemporaryModern / Present
CrowdedFilled with people or things
Fascinating/Captivating/IntriguingVery interesting
PicturesqueBeautiful, pretty
BreathtakingAstonishing, awe-inspiring
TranquilCalm, free from disturbance
Spell-bindingHolding one's attention
DilapidatedIn a state of ruin
BleakEmpty / no pleasant features
BoringDull, not interesting
NeglectedA place that has been left alone
DevelopedAdvanced in industrial capability and technological sophistication
DevelopingGrowing to be more advanced
UrbanCity or town
QuaintAttractively, unusual or old-fashioned
MountainousHaving many mountains
TropicalHot and humid
Low-lyingClose to the ground
TemperateMild climate
GrotesqueUgly and strange
MonstrosityLarge and ugly
Colourful nightlifeInteresting nightlife
ShabbyPoor condition
PanaromicScenic, wide


SMK Dato Bandar
20 Oktober 2019

Report on Library Activities for the Year 2019

          This is the end-of-year library report for the year ending 2019 for SMK Dato Bandar. This report has been prepared by the outgoing Head Librarian (2019), Janani Thiru of Form Five Merah.

          The presents batch of Form Five librarians resigned from their duties on 18 October 2019. In actual fact, they were let off library duties from 2 October. Their places were taken by new librarians from Form Two to Form Four who were selected in June. They were trained and supervised in library duties by the Form Five librarians.

          Elections were held on 5 October to elect the new library exco for the following year. All librarians were present to cast their vote. The result are as follows:
               Head Librarian: Lim Shu Mee
               Asst Head Librarian: Daniel Roy
               Secretary: Aishah Ibrahim
               Treasurer: Chiang Siew Pun

          This new team will lead the team of 36 librarian for next year. The team comprises 12 librarians each from Form Four, Form Three and Form Two.

Activities in the past year
  1. The library organised a Library Month for the month of May. We held essay writing competitions, crossword puzzle sessions, quiz sessions for each form (Form One to Form Five), Scrabble games and poster design contests. There was tremendous response from all the students. Prizes consisted of book and stationery sets as well as food hampers sponsored by teachers.
  2. The library also sold over 200 old library books. These consisted of story books, magazines and old encyclopedias. The sale netted us RM 250 for our library fund. The fund at present is RM 550.
  3. At the end of September, we gave out a special award to the student who had borrowed the most number of books in the year. The student was Rama Krishnan of Form Four Biru. Over the year, he had borrowed 238 books from the library. This award was given to encourage all students to read library books. The awards comprised an anthology of short stories and a cash voucher worth RM 50 from Mega Bookstore.
  4. The out-going Form Five librarians gave a welcome party to the new librarians as well as the new exco on 10 October. In return, we were given a farewell party on 15 October.
          This conclude the report on library activities for the year 2019. On behalf of the out-going Form Five librarians, I would like to thank Mrs Layla Chiang, library teacher and advisor, for all the help and support she has rendered us.

This report was prepared on 20 October 2019

Janani Thiru
Head Librarian
SMK Dato Bandar

Saturday, January 04, 2020


Phrasal VerbsMeaning
Blow upExplode / make the size bigger
Back someone upSupport someone
Break downStop functioning
Break inForced entry into a place
Break upEnd a relationship / put an end too
Break outEscape
Call on someoneVisiting someone
Call something offCancel
Call someone upContact someone using a telephone
Chip in Help / contribute for monetary assistance
Count onRely on
Cut back on somethingReduce the usage or consumption
Cut offStop
Dress upWear nice clothes
Drop someone / something offTake a person to a place and leave him there / deliver something
Drop outQuit a class or school
Eat outEat away from home such as at a restaurant, stall etc
Fall apartBreak into pieces / emotionally unable to function
Figure something outUnderstand something / find answers too
Get alongCan work and be together
Get over somethingOvercome something / recover from something
Give inStop fighting over something
Give upQuit
Go afterTry to achieve something / chase after
Grow apartBecome distant
Hand inSubmit
Hold onWait awhile / persistent
Make something upLie about something
Pass outFaint
Put offPostpone / discourage
Run intoMeet unexpectedly
Run overDrive over something or someone
Set upEstablish
Shop aroundCompare prices / hunt for the best bargain
Show offBoast
Stick to somethingContinue doing something
Take offStart off / proceed
Think backRemember / review
Turn downRefuse / reject

Thursday, January 02, 2020


          If young people ruled the world, one major change would be that there would be no more war. War happens because politicians who are greedy for power wage it. Young people are idealistic. We want peace and goodwill on earth. If young people ruled the world, we would sit down, discuss the problems with each other and look actively for solutions. Once the solution are found, we would genuinely implement them so that there would be peace and friendship everywhere. War would be history.

          Another thing we would do would be stop damaging our environment. We would stop polluting Mother Earth. We would stop blackening her skies, dirtying her rivers and turning her lands into deserts. We would stop greedy industrialists from abusing our environment simply because they want more money. We would stop illegal logging. We would stop burning of forests in order to create farmlands. We would stop the dumping toxic waste into rivers and seas.

          We would introduce very strong measures to protect our environment. At the same time, we would do all that necessary to enhance our environment so that it would sustain everyone on earth.

          On a social level, we young people understand from our own experience that youngsters need space and opportunity for recreation. There is too much illegal racing on the streets, endangering lives of innocent people. These illegal activities take place because youngsters love speed and excitement. As such, if young people ruled the world, we would make sure that there were safe places such as racing circuits for racing or speeding. We would also make sure they learn the proper techniques of racing or of any other extreme sport. This would create a safe environment for releasing their energy and satisfying themselves without endangering others.

          One of the major problems that the world faces today is that of drugs. Many people take drugs because they are bored, influenced by their friends or are simply stupid enough to try it. Drugs are easily available because drug pushers sell it everywhere and anywhere. At the same time, farmers in some parts of Asia and South America cultivate poppy, marijuana and coca in large quantities. Many kinds of drugs are made from these plants.

          If young people ruled the world, we would stop this drug scourge at its root by destroying all farms that grow plants to make drugs. Then, we would give the farmers alternate, profitable crops to grow. We would get rid of all drug pushers. We would also implement proper rehabilitation and cures for drug addicts. At the same time, we would regularly take children to hospitals and rehabilitation centers to show them how much suffering and destruction drugs case. This would frighten them so much they would never take drugs at all.

          All in all, there would be many changes if young people ruled the world and these changes would be for the better. The world would be a for the better. The world would be a far better and peaceful place to live in.


          I am seventeen. When I am asked about the things that I value in my life, I would write friendship at the top of my list.

          I have good friends. We share many things in common and therefore spend a lot of time together. We enjoy good music. We laugh about the same things. We hate the same things such as too much homework, racism, child abuse and so on. A friend is someone who is there for you in good times and bad times. I have few such friend and I appreciate them very much.

         Another thing I value is my family. I have loving, responsible parents and caring brothers and sisters. Of course, sometimes, I think my parents are too strict. At times, my sisters and brothers drive me round the bend. This is normal in my families. At the end of the day, the important thing is that we love and care for one another.

          I enjoy good health. I value it very much. I would never endanger my health by smoking. I have seen patients in hospitals who suffer from lung cancer because of their smoking habit. It is very sad to see them, broken in health and spirit. I think it is stupid to smoke. It is also stupid to take drugs. Drugs can easily make someone addicted. Once a person is addicted, he craves for drugs all the time. It is of the most dangerous things to do. Drugs abuse ruins lives. I will never take drugs as I have too much respect for myself and my future.

          One thing I love about my life is that I have choices. I can become anyone I want - scientist, doctor, lawyer, businesswoman, secretary or housewife. It is all up to me. In the old days, women had few choices. Many got married and stayed home. A few became teachers. Fewer still became doctors or scientist. Today, if I study hard, I can select whatever profession I want. It is very exciting and makes me feel free.

          When I went to Hong Kong for holiday, I realised that I value our country very much because we have so many races and therefore different types of food, festivals, interest and so on. In Hong Kong, I could only eat Chinese food. After two days there, I was longing for some nasi lemak, roti canai and thosai. I began to appreciate that I have friends of all races. I began to value the harmonious multi cultural lifestyle here.

           I love most aspect of my life. Of course, like many people, I wish I were richer, taller, smarter or prettier. Nevertheless, I value the things that really matter and I already have them, like friendship, love, good health and freedom.


A penny for your thoughtsA way asking what someone is thinking
Action speak louder than wordsSomeone's intentions can be judged best by what they do rather than what they say
An arm and a legVery expensive or costly ; a large amount of money
Back to the drawing blockWhen an attempt fails and it's time to start all over
Barking up the wrong treeLooking in the wrong place. Accusing the wrong person.
Beating around the bushAvoiding the main topic. Not speaking directly about the issue
Burning the midnight oilWorking late into the night, alluding to a time before electricity
Do not judge a book by its coverDo not judge something primarily on appearance
Cross the bridge when you come to itDeal with problem if and when it becomes necessary, not before
Curiosity kills the catBeing inquisitive can lead you into an unpleasant situation
Don't count your chickens before they are hatchedDon't make plans for something that might not happen
Don't put all your eggs in one basketDo not put all your resources in one possibility
Drastic times call for drastic measuresWhen you are extremely desperate you need to take drastic actions
Every cloud has a silver liningBe optimistic, even difficult times will lead to better days
Feeling a bit under the weatherFeeling slightly ill
Heard it on the grapevineTo hear rumors about something or someone
Hit the nail on the headDo or say something exactly right
Hit the sackGoing to bed
It takes two to tangoActions or communications need more than one person
Jump on the bandwagonJoin a popular trend or activity
Kill two birds with one stoneAccomplishing two different things at the same time
The last strawThe breaking point in the series of problems
Let sleeping dogs lieDo not disturb a situation as it is - since it would result in trouble or complications
Let the cat out of the bagSharing information that was previously concealed
To make a long story shortCome to the point - leave out the details
Miss the boatMissing a chance
Once in a blue moonSomething that happens very rarely
A picture paints a thousand wordsA visual presentation is far more descriptive than words
Piece of cakeAn easy task
Seeing eye to eyeAgreeing on something
To sit on a fenceUnable to make a decision
Steal someone's thunderTaking the credit for something someone else did
Speak of the devilAn expression used when you're talking about someone and they suddenly show up
Take it with a pinch of saltShould not take what someone said too
A taste of your own medicineExperience something unpleasant which you had previously done to someone else
Straight from the horse's mouthHearing something from the authoritative or dependable source
The whole nine yardsDoing all of it, or to go all the way or as far as possible
Wouldn't be caught dead doing somethingSomething that will never happen