Saturday, January 04, 2020


Phrasal VerbsMeaning
Blow upExplode / make the size bigger
Back someone upSupport someone
Break downStop functioning
Break inForced entry into a place
Break upEnd a relationship / put an end too
Break outEscape
Call on someoneVisiting someone
Call something offCancel
Call someone upContact someone using a telephone
Chip in Help / contribute for monetary assistance
Count onRely on
Cut back on somethingReduce the usage or consumption
Cut offStop
Dress upWear nice clothes
Drop someone / something offTake a person to a place and leave him there / deliver something
Drop outQuit a class or school
Eat outEat away from home such as at a restaurant, stall etc
Fall apartBreak into pieces / emotionally unable to function
Figure something outUnderstand something / find answers too
Get alongCan work and be together
Get over somethingOvercome something / recover from something
Give inStop fighting over something
Give upQuit
Go afterTry to achieve something / chase after
Grow apartBecome distant
Hand inSubmit
Hold onWait awhile / persistent
Make something upLie about something
Pass outFaint
Put offPostpone / discourage
Run intoMeet unexpectedly
Run overDrive over something or someone
Set upEstablish
Shop aroundCompare prices / hunt for the best bargain
Show offBoast
Stick to somethingContinue doing something
Take offStart off / proceed
Think backRemember / review
Turn downRefuse / reject

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