Thursday, January 02, 2020


          If young people ruled the world, one major change would be that there would be no more war. War happens because politicians who are greedy for power wage it. Young people are idealistic. We want peace and goodwill on earth. If young people ruled the world, we would sit down, discuss the problems with each other and look actively for solutions. Once the solution are found, we would genuinely implement them so that there would be peace and friendship everywhere. War would be history.

          Another thing we would do would be stop damaging our environment. We would stop polluting Mother Earth. We would stop blackening her skies, dirtying her rivers and turning her lands into deserts. We would stop greedy industrialists from abusing our environment simply because they want more money. We would stop illegal logging. We would stop burning of forests in order to create farmlands. We would stop the dumping toxic waste into rivers and seas.

          We would introduce very strong measures to protect our environment. At the same time, we would do all that necessary to enhance our environment so that it would sustain everyone on earth.

          On a social level, we young people understand from our own experience that youngsters need space and opportunity for recreation. There is too much illegal racing on the streets, endangering lives of innocent people. These illegal activities take place because youngsters love speed and excitement. As such, if young people ruled the world, we would make sure that there were safe places such as racing circuits for racing or speeding. We would also make sure they learn the proper techniques of racing or of any other extreme sport. This would create a safe environment for releasing their energy and satisfying themselves without endangering others.

          One of the major problems that the world faces today is that of drugs. Many people take drugs because they are bored, influenced by their friends or are simply stupid enough to try it. Drugs are easily available because drug pushers sell it everywhere and anywhere. At the same time, farmers in some parts of Asia and South America cultivate poppy, marijuana and coca in large quantities. Many kinds of drugs are made from these plants.

          If young people ruled the world, we would stop this drug scourge at its root by destroying all farms that grow plants to make drugs. Then, we would give the farmers alternate, profitable crops to grow. We would get rid of all drug pushers. We would also implement proper rehabilitation and cures for drug addicts. At the same time, we would regularly take children to hospitals and rehabilitation centers to show them how much suffering and destruction drugs case. This would frighten them so much they would never take drugs at all.

          All in all, there would be many changes if young people ruled the world and these changes would be for the better. The world would be a for the better. The world would be a far better and peaceful place to live in.

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