Monday, January 06, 2020


SMK Dato Bandar
20 Oktober 2019

Report on Library Activities for the Year 2019

          This is the end-of-year library report for the year ending 2019 for SMK Dato Bandar. This report has been prepared by the outgoing Head Librarian (2019), Janani Thiru of Form Five Merah.

          The presents batch of Form Five librarians resigned from their duties on 18 October 2019. In actual fact, they were let off library duties from 2 October. Their places were taken by new librarians from Form Two to Form Four who were selected in June. They were trained and supervised in library duties by the Form Five librarians.

          Elections were held on 5 October to elect the new library exco for the following year. All librarians were present to cast their vote. The result are as follows:
               Head Librarian: Lim Shu Mee
               Asst Head Librarian: Daniel Roy
               Secretary: Aishah Ibrahim
               Treasurer: Chiang Siew Pun

          This new team will lead the team of 36 librarian for next year. The team comprises 12 librarians each from Form Four, Form Three and Form Two.

Activities in the past year
  1. The library organised a Library Month for the month of May. We held essay writing competitions, crossword puzzle sessions, quiz sessions for each form (Form One to Form Five), Scrabble games and poster design contests. There was tremendous response from all the students. Prizes consisted of book and stationery sets as well as food hampers sponsored by teachers.
  2. The library also sold over 200 old library books. These consisted of story books, magazines and old encyclopedias. The sale netted us RM 250 for our library fund. The fund at present is RM 550.
  3. At the end of September, we gave out a special award to the student who had borrowed the most number of books in the year. The student was Rama Krishnan of Form Four Biru. Over the year, he had borrowed 238 books from the library. This award was given to encourage all students to read library books. The awards comprised an anthology of short stories and a cash voucher worth RM 50 from Mega Bookstore.
  4. The out-going Form Five librarians gave a welcome party to the new librarians as well as the new exco on 10 October. In return, we were given a farewell party on 15 October.
          This conclude the report on library activities for the year 2019. On behalf of the out-going Form Five librarians, I would like to thank Mrs Layla Chiang, library teacher and advisor, for all the help and support she has rendered us.

This report was prepared on 20 October 2019

Janani Thiru
Head Librarian
SMK Dato Bandar

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